Insect Problems

Insect Control

Insects in the landscape can be a very damaging and expensive infestation, especially for mature trees and shrubs. Many different types of insects live by eating the leaves and roots of plants that are commonly planted in Illinois and Indiana. Suburban Landscaping has the expert staff to assist you in maintaining the health and well-being of your trees, shrubs and lawn. With just one phone call, our staff can help identify and treat for all of the invasive insects that attack your lawn and landscape.

Insect infestation can take on many different forms, including insects that most people cannot or do not see. Different insects attack in different ways, including ones that live in the roots of your lawn or inside the trunk of your trees. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean that they’re not there, damaging or killing your plants.

The following list is only a partial list of the insects in your landscape that Suburban Landscaping can treat for you. For more information on each insect, click on the link to read more about them.

Specialty Treatments

Tree Bore And Plug Treatment

Suburban Landscaping has the trained, experience staff to treat insects in your lawn or landscape using many different methods. Some of these methods require pesticide licensing from the State of Illinois or Indiana, and special training from the manufacturers. Below are a list of some different forms of treatments that the technicians at Suburban Landscaping are trained in:

  • Foliar Sprays
  • Trunk Injections
  • Root Saturation
  • Root Injections
  • Dormant Oils
  • Systemic Insecticides
  • Marjohn Injections
  • IPM

Should I Worry About The Insecticides You Use?

Any time Suburban Landscaping applies any product to your lawn or landscape, we make sure you are well informed about what was applied. If you are not at home when we apply, we leave a door knob hanger with the date, time, technicians name, chemical name and any special instructions. Special instructions may be as simple as stay off the lawn until dry or may say to water your lawn for best results. Our best customer is an informed customer, which is why you can always call our management staff for more information on any of our applications.

Are Your Chemicals Safe?

Yes. We only use products approved by the Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency (Federal and State). All chemicals are mixed by our technicians in a rinse station facility to protect the environment and our staff. All of the chemicals we use are listed in a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) book in our office. We are annually inspected by OSHA, the EPA, and the Department of Agriculture for compliance with the laws for handling, storing, and applying chemicals.

We are as concerned about our clients, their families, and our environment as you are, so we are very careful about the products we use and the alternatives to using them.

Are Your Technicians Licensed?

Yes. All of our technicians for insect and disease control are licensed by the State of Illinois and Indiana. We have both operators and applicators licenses, which copies of both are on this website. All of our technicians are tested by the State every two years and often do continuing education work between testing.

How Does Your Insect Control Differ From Other Companies?

For starters, most landscape maintenance companies do not offer much more than dry granular fertilizing of the lawn, which they do not need to have a State license to do. We offer many services for insect control that most landscape maintenance companies do not offer, or may even know about. Lastly, our expertise in insect control comes from over 31 years in business and a staff with over 200 combined years of insect control applications.

How Do I Request A Quote On Insect Control?

For a quote on insect control, or any other service, please call our office or request a quote online 24 hours a day.

Quick Request Form



Tony Davis
2015-07-19, 11:07
Thank you for saving my basement and my sanity. You guys really know your stuff, especially with the drainage stuff. I don't know if I mentioned this … read more
Beth Stevens
2015-07-20, 15:04
Great Job! It is a beautiful patio. I really like the lights on the pillars too! Worth every penny. Big recommendations here!
Mr. & Mrs. David Kowalski
2015-06-27, 09:54
Hi Al, just wanted to let everyone know how happy we are with Suburban Landscaping and your service. I know my mom just signed up with you as well … read more